
Baltic Reindeer

Baltic Reindeer

Visual Trait Index

BR Species Standard

Baltic Reindeer are world renowned for being quality deer that can do a multitude of jobs and be a fulfilling companion to anyone willing to show them a special bit of love! Whether it be running along side sled dogs, or pulling sleds themselves, we promise that every reindeer will have a personality to die for! Most are strong, sweet, and tend to be on the shyer side, like any deer you might see in the wild. However, these reindeer are known for their ties to Baltic Huskies and the Baltic Sled Association, giving them the Baltic name. In legends, it is said that these reindeer would glow in the dead of night, helping mushers stuck in harsh blizzards when all else seemed bleak. Starting out as a small glimpse of light in the distance, the glow would grow and grow until mushers saw the big, beautiful reindeer ready to lead the way and bring the team to safety!

Nowadays, our reindeer glow in their own special way - after hundreds of years of running alongside sled teams, most have been domesticated enough to where they will carry lanterns or durable string lights. Generally, they will either lead the team, or be the sledding team themselves! They act as protectors and leaders for everyone in the community.

Owning a Baltic Reindeer is easy and simple, as long as you have a good spirit and a bit of patience! Like any wild animal, they can be a bit hard to tame, but doing so can bring much satisfaction in knowing that you've gained their trust!


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