
Natural Bobbed Tail

Natural Bobbed Tail (Unique)

Category: Tail Type
Species: Baltic Husky


The natural bobbed tail is a genetic condition causing a bobbed tail, similar to cropping. However, dogs with this mutation are naturally born like this! This effects the 13th locus, the ear/tail series.

Any dog with a natural bobbed tail will add an + to the specific gene that is being modified. In respect to the other tails, the bobbed tail is recessive, so it requires either N+N+, nh+nh+, or n+n+ to work properly.

Longer Tail

Longer Tail (Atypical)

Category: Tail Type
Species: Baltic Reindeer

Longer tails are a Baltic Reindeer specific trait where the tail on the Reindeer is a lot longer than normal.

Normal Tail

Normal Tail (Common)

Category: Tail Type
Species: Baltic Husky

Normal tails extend straight back for huskies. There are no genes for this trait as it has an equal chance roll with curled tails.

Curled Tail

Curled Tail (Common)

Category: Tail Type
Species: Baltic Husky

Curled tails touch a husky's back. There are no genes for this trait as it has an equal chance to roll with the standard tail!

Upright Tail

Upright Tail (Infrequent)

Category: Tail Type
Species: Baltic Reindeer

Upright tails are characteristic of some Baltic Reindeer. These tails are a very similar length to normal tails, however, these are more upright similar to a deer's tail when running away.

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